Author Archive: webadmin

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

While contemplating the Passion, we become closer to our Lord. Let us be with the Lord in the moment of the rejection. God was rejected. He embraced and picked up all kinds rejections. Some of them have happened to us. Some of them we have shown to others.   There are some of us who […]

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Acceptance of the Cross

Today, we see the Lord proclaiming his crucifixion for the last time before the Last Supper begins. He explains plainly that He came for this very hour. From today, we focus specifically on the role of the cross. At this stage, acceptance of the cross is not only an invitation to follow Jesus Christ, but […]

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The Church – Our Mother.

Our Mother, the Church, has been left behind with furrows of sins from her children. Indeed, many do their best to separate Her from the Beloved. Few seek the Lord; Shepherds confused “go about into a land that they know not”; “Prophets prophesy false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit […]

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Engaging with God as He is

As Lent is unfolding, let us reflect on the most basic and principal truth: that God made us for Himself. Let us remind ourselves again that the real God is the God to whom we owe everything; and we must worship God in the way God tells us to do. If we worship Him our […]

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Repent and believe in the Gospel 

We have just entered Lent by the words, “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” pronounced on each one of us individually. It happened at the very moment when ash was put on our forehead. In this way, we have been invited to open our hearts and to surrender them to Christ; we are invited to […]

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God touches hearts even in the middle of their decay

After all the traumas of spiritual, moral, psychological and physical leprosy, the triumph of the evil one might have been announced. This has never happened, and the world still exists. After the evil one has shown his ugliness, the ocean of consolation is again at hand.   This is the evidence of the triumph of […]

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Belonging to God always and everywhere

There is a fresco in the Santa Maria del Carmine Church in Florence by the Italian Early Renaissance artist Masaccio. It shows the difficult relationship between God and man. Shades of beige, dirty, yellow dominate the painting. Red and grey-blue create the background. On the foreground, there are naked people: Adam covers his face with […]

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Life is a Vocation

Once we reflect on our lives in the context of Christ’s calling “follow me”, we are already changed as we allow Christ’s Eyes to rest on us and to touch our hearts deeply.  Once we enter into the paradigm of life as a vocation, we know that the main question for us is not how we live our lives, but with whom […]

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Love of God 

Have you ever been asked:  do you love God? Whatever we think, let us say that we do love God to some extent. Do not be afraid to say it. The first step to that love is faith. Faith opens the gate to another world, the world of God’s presence, tenderness, love, call to mission. It is through faith that our relationship with God […]

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Baptism of the Lord  

The great joy of the Christmas Celebrations has been flowing through the Epiphany to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, where it has reached its fulfilment.   Here, at the bank of the River Jordan, the Only Begotten (not Created) Son of God joined those sinners who asked for the gift of conversion, […]

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