Our Parish Logo
Our parish has been given a specific direction by the Church, this being the life and active support of: the Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Peace, and Blessed Dominic Barberi. The latter, a humble Passionist, was a gentle, caring and simple man, a cheerful and passionate catholic, who influenced many people in England. Both of our patrons are orientated towards Christ and towards sharing the beauty of the Gospel.
Our parish logo, presented below, echoes the direction of our parish in the title of Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi. In the logo we find a map of Great Britain, entwined by a rosary, and displaying the symbols of Bishop Philip (Portsmouth diocese) and the Passionists:
This symbolises the link between Our Lady of Peace, England and Blessed Dominic. We learn about Christ through Mary in the same way that Blessed Dominic Barberi did. We share in his deep desire to bring Christ to England. The full name of our patron is Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God. His particular focus was devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, who is the source of deep peace within the soul. The Rosary, as part of our logo, is a way of proclaiming the Gospel and increasing our zeal and knowledge of Christ. It is also a prayerful and contemplative display of faith, and capable of forming Christians according to the heart of Jesus. In this way too, Our Lady continues her work of proclaiming Christ.
To the right of the map of Great Britain is the symbol of the Passionists. Here, we emphasise the spiritual background of Blessed Dominic and our gratitude to the religious order which has given us such a great saint. To the left, we find the symbol of Bishop Philip which is used to emphasise that we belong to the Diocese of Portsmouth, and the fact that our church is to be consecrated during his time as our bishop.