Sunday Mass

8.30 am Holy Mass
11.00 am Holy Mass
5.00pm Holy Mass

*Weekday Mass:  Monday & Friday at 6.30pm, Tuesday & Wednesday at 8.00am. (During Lent & Advent Wednesday Mass at 6.30am)

Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Mondays, Fridays and Holy Days of Obligation 5.30pm-6.30pm or by private appointment with Fr Stan.

*Changes to weekly timetable are published in the latest newsletter.

Friday Adoration: 11.00am-6.00pm

 Saturday 7th September: There is no 1st Saturday devotion to Our Lady in our church in Sept due to March for Life. Morning events starts from 10.00am to 1.00pm at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street SW1P 3NT. The March starts at 1.30pm – 4.00pm from The Emmanuel centre and finishing at Parliament Square.

 Sunday 8th September 2.30pm- 3.30pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour

I welcome you to Our Lady of Peace & Blessed Dominic Barberi Parish. You are loved by God! Christ came for you. Christ is for you “the Way, the Truth and the Life!” (Jn 14:6). Entrust your fears, your afflictions, your burdens to the heart of Mary. With Mary's help, we learn to recognise and embrace the love of Christ in every moment of our lives. The Parish is a framework in which we can learn to grow in faith through the Liturgy, Adoration, the spirituality of the Angelus, the Divine Mercy and the Rosary. We, as adults, youth and children, learn how to grow in faith together. We offer our hearts and hands to Jesus and Mary to reach the vulnerable, the needy and the lost sheep in all areas of life. You are welcome!

Fr. Stan Gibziński,
Parish Priest of Our Lady of Peace and Bl Dominic Barberi