Parish Stewardship
Fr Stan as our Parish Priest is the administrator of the parish. It entails responsibilities and privileges. Amongst them, he: – Carries out “the functions of teaching, sanctifying and governing with the assistance of lay members of Christ’s faithful.” (Can 519) – Represents the parish in all juridical matters and is responsible that all parish goods are administered in a proper way. (Can 532) Because of that he appoints people to use their professional expertise to advise and work with him, as necessary, and in accordance with Diocesan Procedures and other regulations.
Safeguarding Officer – Harish Chander
Parish Finance Team
Parish Property Team
Health and Safety
Serving groups
Altar Servers on duty, Children’s Liturgy Team, Church cleaners, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Care of the sick coordinator, Hospitality after Mass, The Library, Offertory collectors (Sunday), Offertory counters (Sunday), Prayers of the Faithful/Bidding Prayers (writers), Readers of the Word of God, The Repository online, The Repository in the church, Sacristans, Welcomers, Youth Coordinator.
Volunteers to the office:
Hall booking, Archive expert, Newsletter proof reader, Newsletter folding, Social Media expert, It architecture.
Prayer groups
Mothers’ Prayer Group, Home Group, Marian Prayer Group, Divine Mercy
Growing in faith groups (Catholic Formation)
Youth group, Altar Servers, Catholic Women’s Association UK, The Neocatechumenical Community,
Sacramental preparation groups
(RCIA – becoming a Catholic support group, Baptism Preparation, 1st Holy Communion preparation, Confirmation Preparation, Marriage Preparation),
Outreach groups
Outreach of vulnerable
(Pro-life initiative, Visiting the sick group, Bereavement group)
Charity outreach
(CAFOD, Mary’s Meals, New Generation Christian Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need, CIRDIC, Christian Aid, RED BOXES, Fair Trade, Food Bank)
Missionary Outreach
(Healing Masses, Pilgrimages, ALFA and Life in the Spirit, Parish Mission, Talks and DVD Courses, OLOP Social Media, Cards with Good News messages, Lost Sheep) Ecumenical Outreach (Christian Unity Week, Walk of Witness, Churches Together)