Growing in Faith Groups
Youth group
Children and Youth Liturgical Service Group (Altar Servers)
Serving the Lord at the Liturgy is a great journey to loving Jesus Christ. It is a beneficial vocation. Fr Stan is encouraging you to find your own space close to the Altar. As an Altar server, you will be given some duties; you will be on a rota, because of that Altar Servers belong to Parish Serving Group. However, even if you are not on rota, your place is at the Altar always. A medal is awarded to those who serve regularly with dedication. Altar serving is a process of growing in faith for that reason, Altar Servers are also a growing in faith group.
It is not only Fr Stan who needs your help but Jesus who needs you as well and you need Jesus. Please consider this as your vocation and make yourself known to the priest.
Catholic Women’s Association UK
Catholic Women’s Association (CWA) is an association that strives through prayers, Corporal Works of Mercy and active service in the church, to imitate the virtues of Our Blessed Virgin Mary. The motto of the CWA is ‘to serve and not to be served’, by adopting the key concepts of service to Jesus through His Blessed Mother: readiness and willingness at all times, in all places to gladly be at the service of the Lord.
The group is currently undergoing a formation programme guided and supported by Fr. Stan. The programme takes place every two months with a session of about four hours. The women meet every Friday at 8 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. in the church to pray the rosary together. The rosary session ends with songs and dance of praise and worship.
As part of the corporal works of mercy, the women sometimes make visits to people’s homes to pray with them and to offer support. Women from all walks of life and backgrounds are welcome to join the group.
If you want more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Neocatechumenal Way
The Neocatechumenal group meets every Thursday in the church at 8.30 pm and Saturday evening Eucharist twice a month. A Neocatechumenal community, focuses on the post-baptismal formation of Christian adults on the basis of the Holy Scripture, the liturgy and the life in community. The community encourages people to fraternal communion, the scrutiny of the Holy Scripture and the love for the liturgy in order to achieve maturity in faith.
There are around 40,000 Neocatechumenal communities throughout the world, with an estimated million members.
Speaking at a meeting on January 17, 2011 with over 7,000 members of the Neocatechumenal Way Pope Benedict XVI heralded their work as a special gift which the Holy Spirit has given to our times. He also said that the movement has shown a special ability to ferment a renewal of the richness of sacramental life among people who have distanced themselves from the Church, or who have not received adequate formation.
If you would like more information, please contact Alonso : 07535938616.