God touches hearts even in the middle of their decay
After all the traumas of spiritual, moral, psychological and physical leprosy, the triumph of the evil one might have been announced. This has never happened, and the world still exists. After the evil one has shown his ugliness, the ocean of consolation is again at hand.
This is the evidence of the triumph of the patient and loving Presence of God. Indeed, the Lord heals us from our deadly inability to love God and our neighbour. Jesus Christ touches our hearts even in the middle of their decay, and changes them into the most beautiful fragrance of love. This happens at the foot of the Cross, at the Sacrament of Confession, at the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, at the fruitful participation of the Holy Mass, at the act of forgiveness.
Once we approach Jesus with a contrite heart, His Love can then, heal the mess done in us by others, by illness or by our unhealthy actions.
Whatever is touched by God’s love brings freshness and the bud of hope and beauty.
The healing touch of Christ makes us free to love and to cherish. It even establishes in us the potential of our loving hearts to grow bigger and wider than the range of our hands.
Fr Stan
Categories: Reflections