The Second Coming of the Lord
We belong to Christ and we are safe in Him and His vision. The Lord introduces us to the time of distress to make us ready for the unknown. Because the Lord is full of compassion, He comforts us and gives us hope. We learn that the time of distress will be unparalleled since nations first came to existence. However, the Lord promised to be with us. St Michael the Archangel will stand up to defend us and guard us against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Whatever difficulties and struggles we will need to get through, we are guided and asked to trust in the Lord and be close to Him.
After the time of distress, everything is going to be beautiful. There will be a historic moment when the whole cosmos is about to collapse. The universe is going into process of falling apart, but Christ is to emerge in power and glory. He is stronger that the universe and He promised His factual, historical second coming.
The encounter with the Son of Man is the greatest day of our life. We are created for that moment. Hence we have to measure everything for that encounter. Because of that, every week each one of us publically professes basic beliefs of Christianity. We profess the historic event of Christ Jesus coming again in glory. We prepare ourselves by uniting our souls in the faith of the Church, that every one of us is about to stand in front of the Lord with our resurrected bodies. It can happen at any moment. Even if Christ comes in a billion years we will be there together with those who died a long time ago and nobody remembers them.
Fr Stan
Categories: Reflections