The Church – Our Mother. .

Come together all you who love our Mother, the Church. 
Come through Christ, with Christ and in Christ.
Our Mother, the Church, has been left behind with furrows of sins from her children. 
Our Mother, the Church, is full of sorrow because of the lost shepherds. 
Our Mother, the Church is being hurt and humiliated 
as few seek the Lord; 
as the Divine Teaching entrusted to Her is being changed into human doctrines;
as many try to separate Her from the Beloved. 
Come together all you who worry about the Church. Stay with Her and call: 
Magnificat!  Let our Mother, the Church rejoice! 

As the renewal is given in union with the rejected King of the Universe;
as the source of life is the exalted Body above the earth;
as the presence of the living God is guaranteed so long as the Holy Mass is celebrated validly; so long as God Himself washes us in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation;
Let us rejoice, we who are worried and sad, 
overtaken by the burden of our lives, 
crushed by sins and rejections!
We shall go into the house of the Lord.  
where we find words of eternal life;
where the meaning of life is restored;
where there is the Host elevated – Christ Himself – the Lamb of God offered to the Father;
Gaudet Mater Ecclesia – Mother Church Rejoices 
Fr Stan

Categories: Reflections