Steps to littleness are made by small daily sacrifices
Christ’s words enlighten us and they are our life. They are the source of our joy of freedom in the same way in which they changed life of St James and St John, two great brothers who wanted to be most important in the Kingdom of God. As we know, Christ’s message opened to both of them a path towards great holiness.
The same words of the Lord are given to us. Let us immerse ourselves in them and we will see that on daily bases we are given God’s answers to our struggles, jealousy, ambitions, hurts, wounds, expectations and difficulties, because Christ says about embracing our crosses daily and about becoming little to the point of making a space for the growth of another.
In Christ only we find sufficient support to love living our life and we go for that passionately because of the love of Christ expressed in his Passion. We sing: “Strength and protection may thy Passion be, O blessèd Jesu, hear and answer me; deep in thy wounds, Lord, hide and shelter me, so shall I never, never part from thee.”
In Christ only we carry our crosses and unite them joyfully with Christ. In this way, day by day, we make our journey through the Cross to Heaven. Our daily offerings include: joyful dedication to help one another without expectation of gratitude, joyful offering of our tiredness, illness, time spent in traffic, heat and cold, being misunderstood, forgotten or rejected; being in physical, psychological or spiritual pain – through Cross to Heaven. We can add to it: smile even if we find it difficult, being nice and gentle to a person whom we might not like, discipline of our eating, discipline of our tongue, serving those who might never respect our efforts.
Let us also ask Our Blessed Mother so that we shall be willing to sacrifice ourselves out of love for God and those around us.
Fr Stan