On the mountain of Transfiguration
On the mountain of Transfiguration, three of the chosen disciples saw the glory of God’s Kingdom shining out of Jesus. The same Christ expressed, also, the very heart of God on the Mount of Calvary. The disciples saw only the Glory of God on one of the mountains. From the other one they escaped.
Although the apostles were, exceptionally, well prepared for everything that was coming (by the teaching and the sequence of events of which the Transfiguration was an exceptional testimony), on Calvary, they saw nothing but the scandal and trauma of a shameful death. They were not able to embrace or face up to Christ’s Passion. It was beyond their grasp.
The Lord knew about it. He was building in their hearts memory of His glory so that they were able to link all of those events together later on. The Lord did not expect His chosen apostles to understand everything at once. He wanted them to see and remember. Everything else was about to come, as it is the Lord who is in control and in charge of everything, including present and forthcoming events.
At the appointed moment, which was to come, they were to see in the light of the supernatural gift grafted by the Holy Spirit, that the events on the Mount of Transfiguration focused on the key point of the mission of Christ – the Mount of Calvary. That moment arrived and when they saw everything, they were amazed. The apostles saw that on the one mountain God’s Holy cloud overshadowed the events. It was an experience of God’s apparition in His Majesty. On the other mountain, God’s Holy Body was exposed and everything was in front of the eyes of everyone.
The apostles saw that Jesus is the living Torah, the complete Word of God. It is the Lord who is the Feast of True Tabernacles and Holy of Holies. They saw that Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration came as the servants of the Lord, giving testimony that the whole Law and all prophets were focused on the One who was gathering everything together.
Most likely we are to go through the same journey as the disciples did. It is the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. It will become obvious to us, too, that the Bible is Holy and the Teaching of the Church is the real Sacred treasure, that whole Scripture is focused on the moment of the history of mankind, where everything comes back to the Father, where the last enemy, death itself, was torn apart, where Resurrection shines forth.
Fr Stan
Categories: Reflections