In front of God’s Majesty on the Judgement day.

Never forget about love. Never forget that there will be the Last Judgement. Death, followed by Judgement, can happen at any minute. Let us envisage this unique and concluding moment of our life, remembering that we are created to share in the love of Christ, in His Cross and Resurrection. Our nature is to have a “response” attitude to the Lord.

Ask yourself what you have been doing with your life. Do not use your self-serving criteria and currently popular “norms”. None of these things will be valid at the Last Judgement. 

In the Gospel about the Talents, we see a man who used his self-serving criteria to deal with the Talent entrusted to him by the King. The King himself gave him a lot, but sadly the gift was rejected. The man compared himself to others. He accused the King, portrayed him in a scandalous way, and finally rejected his gift. 
Self-serving criteria do not take into account the greatness of God and our life in all its fullness. If one follows them, the choice often, is limited to the burial of Talents, which we observe in the Gospel. We need to use God’s criteria, God’s vision, God’s teaching entrusted to the Church. Then, we challenge our “I want” attitude and measure ourselves by “what God wants from me” attitude. 

Fr. Stan

Categories: Reflections