Evangelisation and other areas of parish life
Evangelisation is the annunciation of the Good News about God and man. It is followed by the desire of individuals to meet Christ in the Bible and Sacraments. It is also followed by the desire to share the mutual joy of belonging to the same mystery of God being amongst us. The Visitation to St Elisabeth is a perfect example of this kind of togetherness. Evangelisation is also followed by the process of growing in faith called formation and active service, outreach and charity. These activities, as well as sharing time together, nourish us and are all closely related to the celebration of sacramental life.
Something particularly important is formation in the parish being understood as all kind of process of growing in faith shaped by love as well as by intellectual understanding of our Faith. We must never forget about this aspect of growing in faith. Formation is also the process of allowing your priest and the catechists (well-prepared volunteers in the process of formation) appointed by him, to assist you in the journey of another – rather like a midwife. It brings the freshness of the Gospel with the never-ending surprise of the beauty of God. Faith is nourished when is mutually shared and supported by others.
All areas of parish life are marked by the healing touch of God. Nothing can heal but the Divine Touch of Jesus, and often it is done via another person. The heart of Jesus speaks to our hearts. Perhaps God needs our humanity to touch the humanity of another. It applies to all areas of parish life, including sacraments and other forms of liturgy.
~ Fr Stan, Earley,
Categories: Reflections