Conversion to God as necessary step to grow in faith.
A voice cries in the wilderness:
Prepare a way for the Lord,
make his paths straight. (Lk 3:4)
The Church calls us to conversion because Christ Himself calls us to conversion. Conversion is a turning point in our life from our way of thinking about life, to Christ’s vision of God; Christ’s vision of man and his destiny; Christ’s vision of the world; and Christ’s vision of prayer and morality.
Conversion to God is a necessary step to grow in faith. It is always the fruit of the discovery and rediscovery of the Father and ourselves: Each one of us has an immortal soul. We are made by God to live forever. Our happiness and fullness of life has its climax in heaven in intimate relationship with God, and yet in this life on earth we are called to serve God while serving others and observing the Ten Commandments.
God’s loving presence discovered in our souls challenges us and calls us to embrace everything, without any exception, that Christ teaches us through the ministry of the Universal Church.
Because conversion is a turning point in our life, it is expressed in making a good confession, prepared by examination of conscience, sorrow for having offended God and resolution of sinning no more. Only then there is a confession of our sins, and satisfaction or penance.
Fr Stan