Christ is to become the Light for all the nations and all individuals
The Magi did not belong to the chosen nation and yet they worshipped a simple Child in the arms of his Mother Mary. What brought them to the very centre of the Christmas Story? Three wise men displayed sharp and inquisitive minds and strong determination to find the truth about life. In their expedition there was not a place for any lukewarm characters. They went against the flow of culture, concepts of monarchy, and their own ambitions. The Magi were supported by virtue of justice and humble spirit, without any other presumptions, agendas; above all they were open to God’s grace. Because of all these factors they recognised in Jesus the source of the twofold light that had guided them: the light of the star and the light of the Scriptures. The Magi were able to worship a simple Child and kneel before him. Their gifts, although not very practical (if they were Three Wise Women they would have brought warm food, sufficient number of nappies and wipes, etc) were very much appreciated as they expressed their joy of finding the final purpose of life in embracing and worshiping Christ, the Lord. Their openness to the revelation of God cleared paths for all other searches of the Light of our minds, the Rest of our Souls, and Strength of our will. In the light of the act of worship of Three Wise Men, what sense is Christ the Light of the peoples, today? What point has reached the journey of our generation toward God? Is it a point of progress or of regression? Who are the Magi of today? What point has their journey and our journey reached?
Fr Stan